Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program organized by Google Open Source team with the aim to introduce students to open source software development. The students are paired with mentors from open source organizations to work on a programming-intensive project. This year, the GSoC program will run from June - August 2020.
Twenty Three students from NITK Surathkal have been selected in GSoC 2020, and they will be mentored by the following open source organizations:
Over the past three years, since 2018, there has been a voluntary and organized effort led by Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani, Department of Computer Science and Engineering and interested students from various departments to structurally plan out Open Source activities in the Institute. The first batch which was a part of the effort resulted in 7 selections in GSoC and the number has only increased in the past two years, thereby showing the growth of NITK Surathkal in the field of Open Source.
More details about GSoC 2020 are available at: