NITK Surathkal will sign an MoU with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) for undertaking research collaboration & consultancy projects, industry internships for students, expert lectures, workshops and other knowledge sharing/collaborative activities. The MoU signing is at 9.30AM on Saturday, 17th August 2019, at the CCMT Seminar Hall,1st floor, Main Building, NITK. Mr. Naresh Shah (President - India (R&D), HPE) and Mr. Mahesha Nanjundaiah, (Director of Engineering, HPE) will be on campus for the MoU signing. Following this, Department of Information Technology is organising the inauguration ceremony of the HPE sponsored High Performance Computing Lab at 10AM on Saturday, 17th August 2019, 5th floor, IT Building, Western Campus, NITK Surathkal.