
Mr.Mahammadrafeeq M,Student under Dr.Mruthyunjaya Swamy wins Hackathon

Home >Mr.Mahammadrafeeq M,Student under Dr.Mruthyunjaya Swamy wins Hackathon

"Mr. Mahammadrafeeq Manvi, a Ph.D. Research Scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering working under the supervision of Dr. Mruthyunjaya Swamy K. B.is recognized as one of the winners of the national level 'Hackathon 2022 Contest' conducted by INUP-i2i, Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), IISc Bangalore His innovative design proposal titled 'Microcantilever based Piezoelectric Transducers for MEMS' received a full funding by MeitY, GOI, and  executed at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. This prestigious award along with a cash prize was received at the INUP Users' Meet at IIT Bombay on 10th August 2024".

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