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S. No. Background of the handbook Right to information act 2005 (RTI act)
1.1 Objective purpose of this Handbook Providing information about the Institute
1.2 Users of this Handbook Students and staff of the Institute general public,etc.,
1.3 Organization of the Information in this Handbook As per the guidelines of the MoE
1.4 Definitions Institute:National Institute of Technology Karnataka,Surathkal. 
Act:Right to Information Act,2005. 
MOA:Memorandum of Association between the Institute and the Ministry of HRD.
1.5 Contact Person

RTI Officials

1.6 Earlier CPIO &FAAs from 01.01.2015  

2.1 Vision


2.2 Mission


2.3 Brief History of the Institute


2.4 Location


2.5 Campus


2.6 Duties of the Institute


2.7 Organisation Chart


2.8 Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and public grievance resolution


2.9 Address of the Institute


2.10 Institute Working hours


3.2 Power and duties officers and employees


3.3 Rules,regulations and instructions used


3.4 Citizen Charter


4.1 Official documents and their availability


4.2 Board,Council,Committees and other Bodies


4.3 Procedure followed to take a decision for various matters


4.5 Disciplinary Cases:


4.6 Immovable Property Returns


5.1 Executive and Administrative Officers of the Institute


5.2 Deans


5.3 HODs of Various Departments


6.1 Pay Structure of the Institute Staff


6.2 A directory of its officers and employees

Teaching Staff:

Non-Teaching Staff:

Telephone Directory


9.1 Information Available in Electronic Form


9.2 Additional Information


9.3 Audited Self Appraisal RTI Format